Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Journey to NY

They Say an estimated 500,000 people pass through Time Square each day! Over 30 Million people visit Times Square annually. One of the biggest businesses apart from finance is Garbage!
I never imagined in my wildest dreams that one day I would too be at time square! The first day I saw it I was rather appalled then mesmerized by it. I reached New York airport and there and there ripped off by a desi posing as a cab driver. On my way to the hotel I saw all these old buildings, apartment complexes on the verge of falling apart… road constructions… garbage bins overflowing at every Conner and what was that stench all over? And not to mention… the unbearable heat! It so reminded me of Mumbai (Bombay – India)
How could people love this place and how could someone kill to be here, though everything is so damn expensive? I could not understand it at all. I asked my companion do you like NY? And he said – “I don’t know what the big fuss is? Chicago is much cleaner! Less expensive… you get the same stuff there that you get here. So even I wonder why people go Gaga over NY
But all that changed! The same night we visited Time Square and it was a far cry from any city that I visited. So many people… well lit… easy to commute… and open almost 24 by 7!
The other thing I was amazed was about was that you are never lost in the city. The whole cities are rectangular blocks every street and avenue numbered sequentially. Just look up the address and walk you would reach your destination no doubts no confusion. And everything seems to be a walking distance. It was fun! I used the Yellow cabs, the subways, walked and it never seemed as I was lost here or new to this place!
 The place has lots of parks, amazing historical sites, tourist spots, theaters, eating joints; even the roadside joints are tasty and hygienic and make as much business as an established restaurant! Wherever you go you see people any time of day and night either in their power dressed clothes or workout fatigues. They com e as Couples, girlfriends & Boyfriends, fiancées, one night standers, families, alone, with kids, with pets. It’s the truly the city that never sleeps!
Though it did make me miss that someone special … it still was good to me as lonely as I could be.
It’s like the RHCP song –Under the bridge –
Sometimes I feel like I don't have a partner
Sometimes I feel like my only friend
Is the city I live in, the city of angels
Lonely as I am, together we cry

I drive on her streets 'cause she's my companion
I walk through her hills 'cause she knows who I am
She sees my good deeds and she kisses the windy
Well, I never worry, now that is a lie

It's hard to believe that there's nobody out there
It's hard to believe that I'm all alone
At least I have her love, the city, she loves me
Lonely as I am, together we cry

Needless to say I love NY and would love to be there and so did my companion he says it just grows on you but all it took for me was a matter of hours.


  1. awesome Lloyd! Can't wait to visit NY now :)

  2. Been Good :)
    Heading to NY next month for holidays, so your post was very timely, and got me even more excited :D
    How are you doing?

  3. :) happy to help! am doing good! you enjoy your trip!
