Some 10-12 years back we three friends sat back late in the night contemplating the purpose of life.
One had gone through a painful break up and betrayal, the other made plans to go and settle overseas and me who had nothing going on. The circumstance we met was indeed an happy occasion (so i would like to believe), our 4th friend's wedding. The plan was for all 4 of us to unwind before the wedding but it was us 3.
That question still haunts me and the answer is still elusive. I evaded the answer at that time and over the years i continued doing so. You see people try to fill their life with a purpose, that could be fame, fortune, family, God, etc. what I have come to realise is, purpose is like carrot dangling on a stick in front of you and tied to yourself, one step forward you think you are coming closer but the carrot moves the same distance ahead, You are never gonna get there. So it a continuous thing with no end.
some people are content with that but not me!
The other way people try to solve this is set goals that can be achieved, like education, House, Car, Marriage, Kids, etc. the issue I have with this is, one has to keep finding new goals and achieving previous Goals does not necessarily mean it was the purpose of life
For example my goal during college time was to find a job and have some money so i could spend time with friends. The goal came about as I was broke and i could not socialise much as i couldn't afford even a sandwich and soft drink and I had too much of self respect to be a free loader. So somehow i applied myself and got the money now where i can hang with friends, but the irony is I don't have that many friends left anymore as they are scattered or they are busy with their new Goals :) so what was the point of it all?
The hard fact is that we are an empty Glass, and we try to fill it with something to give a purpose to this glass. I am meant to hold water or Beer. But when life drains the glass empty what next? refill - and then what? repeat is that really the secret of Life?
Running this feeling I came across this statement - "It is possible to live only as long as life intoxicates us; once we are sober we cannot help seeing that it is all a delusion, a stupid delusion! "
Its a quote from "confessions - Leo Tolstoy". Reading the excerpt it echoes the same sentiment and i guess I have sobered up, Or like in the movie - The Matrix - I have taken the Red Pill.
This is what Leo Tolstoy wrote about it -